He utterly refused. He was not going to do it. Paul was doing everything in his power to avoid rolling over, e.g., quickly spreading out his arms and legs, gripping something for dear life, or wiggling back to solid ground. It's funny to see how overly cautious he is about some things. (Hmmm, could he be the son of the girl who used to be called "little Miss Nervous"?) He shows a lot of ambition in other areas, but this was just not his thing.
Well, the breaking news is in! Paul is finally rolling over on purpose. He has rolled over once or twice, on accident, but I don't think those count. Here's some footage of his purposeful rolling skills:
Now I have a question for you mothers out there. How close do you think this little guy is to crawling based on this next video? (Especially the second half.) If you ask me, I think he's almost got it. We'll probably both be getting a lot more exercise pretty soon. Heaven help us!
In the background, you hear my mom talking about our first attempt at leaving Paul in the gym's daycare. He wasn't too happy about that at all. Thanks, mom, for coming to help out during that traumatic experience. ;)
Hurry home, Blair! You might miss his first... crawl(?)!