Twelve. Hours. Of. Driving.
I was totally prepared for screams from Paul. It was going to happen. No question. Not only that, it was going to happen while we were crammed in the very back row of an eleven passenger van filled with family and friends.
Miraculously, incredibly, unbelievably, Paul was actually happy the entire way there! Are you amazed? I still am.
He earned a fun trip to the hotel's pool with daddy.
After all the wedding hullabaloo, we got to see some real farm animals at my grandparents' farm and Reese's dairy in Idaho Falls.
Paul was a bit overwhelmed with the experience. Put yourself in his shoes. What if all your life a "horse" was that cute little cartoon in your board book that said "neigh!". The real thing by comparison would be a huge, smelly, scary mammoth! Every animal took some getting used to.

Paul wasn't so sure about sitting on that huge animal.

Goats are a more friendly size for Paul.
I think the pigs were his favorite.
Paul got some real cow licks on his head!
Paul started to worry the cow would eat what little hair he had.
Chillin' with grandma before the trip back home.
I wish I could say Paul did as well on the way back, but being sick and teething while strapped to a car seat for twelve hours was not too fun for him. My favorite was when he could sleep.
Paul's getting so big and he sure babbles a lot for a boy! ;) We love him like crazy!