We knew it was coming. It happened two weeks ago. He's pretty good (most of the time) about not standing or jumping on furniture, but I was not motivated enough to be a nazi about it while he was in his crib. I strongly discouraged it, but I guess he needed a hard lesson involving a flip over the crib railing and a back-slam to the floor.
Luckily, Paul does take these hard lessons to heart and is usually more careful after getting hurt. But that didn't stop us from taking the leap (finally) and converting his crib into a toddler bed.
Blair made the change while Paul and I were eating dinner. When Paul was finished eating we watched him walk into his room. We waited to hear his reaction.
There was a long pause...
Finally, we hear, "It's brokened!"
Then a little more excitedly, "It's BROKENED!!!!" followed by laughter. "I get in myself!"
In the one minute it took me to walk to his room, he had climbed in and out about a dozen times by the sound of it. Then he stood still for a moment in front of his "brokened" crib, with a look of awe, silently seeking answers to this humongous change that just took place in his little world.
I explained that babies sleep in cribs, "This is a big boy bed because you are a big boy".
Paul looked at me, and his confused expression quickly morphed into the most delightedly ecstatic (yet, slightly mischievous) grins I had ever seen on his face. He looked back at the "big boy bed" and gave a deep, slow chuckle that gradually grew, a lot like one of those deranged bad guys from the old movies.
He kept the manic, deep voice as he repeated, "This my BOY. BIG. BED!"
He resumed his climbing in and out exercise, and I left the room.
Here are some photos taken a few days later.