Blair: "Let's go to the beach!"
Me: "Uh... okay!"
Blair: "Does Paul need to eat?"
Me: "I just fed him"
Blair: "Then let's go!"
These pictures were taken about two hours later. See! who said you can't be spontaneous with a small baby? Well, our baby isn't so small. (See Fat Baby) Maybe that has something to do with it...?
We went to Ecola State Park just North of Cannon beach. There's a special little trail you have to hike to get to a more private beach than the ones surrounding it. The weather was beautiful, as I'm sure all of you know, since 3/4ths of all Oregonians were at the beach on Labor day. But not on our special private beach!
Now those are some hansom faces!
I think he liked the little fifteen minute hike, which is good, 'cause we'd love to take him real hiking some time!
Proof that all three of us were at the beach together. (That round peach fuzz is Paul.)
Blair was brave and asked a stranger to take our picture. (I never do that.)
I found a whole sand dollar! A whole one!
But then I found a cleaner broken one and it made my sand dollar look dirty and not that special. I left them together like that on the beach.
We also ate at the Wayfarer, which has the most delicious food you'll find on the beach. (Moe's has nothing on this restaurant, trust me.)
Then we walked along the shops downtown in Cannon. (That's when we discovered 3/4ths of Oregon had the same idea as us.) The only place we actually stopped was a Chocolate shop. We munched on some melt-in-your-mouth, gourmet chocolate treats on the drive back home. The next time you're at Cannon, go to the Chocolate Cafe. Just do it.
These next two were random summer pictures that I wanted to share, but didn't want to make a separate blog post for.
One of my favorite things to eat in the summer is fresh fruit. One of my favorite things to eat all year round are cookies. Especially if they're giant enough to cut like a pizza! Put them together and you get the most delicious summer dessert of all time! Fruit pizza! Yes, I made that all by myself. Thank you, thank you.
I love you and your little family THIS MUCH!!!!!!!