Some other new skills of his include: pointing out and naming any of the letters of the alphabet; identifying most basic shapes; pointing out and naming the colors yellow, blue, orange and black (the other colors are still a little confusing for some reason); and, the skill he's most proud of, running super fast! On average, he fits in about 30 laps around our dining/kitchen/living room circle every day. He certainly takes after his daddy.
Something we're still working on: not screaming. Anyone out there have any ideas? We've been consistently putting him in his crib whenever he screams and closing his bedroom door until he's quiet and asks nicely to get out. (We leave the lights on and window blinds open to differentiate from nap time.) It seemed to be helping at first, but the ear-shattering screeches have not left for good. Has anyone else found something that works? Or should we just continue to be patient with the crib method?
As a whole, life with Blair and Paul is heavenly. After story time and our nightly prayer we all hug each other in a tight knot of giggle-filled bliss. I can hardly believe how lucky I am to have these wonderful, loving and good-looking boys in my life!
Who does he look like more? Mommy or daddy?
Paul loves to sit and "stretch" with daddy after Blair's run.
This poor kid really needs a backyard to play in. He loves going outside but this cement patio is all we have outside our back door.
This is the way I see him most - running!
What a cutie! He is getting so big. It has been way too long since I have seen him. I'm thinking like a year or so! He and Benton should get together sometime. They can run together and maybe he can teach Benton his letters! I'm so impressed that he knows them. Maybe I should be practicing them with Benton more... awesome job!