"Let's go walk on the chewy rocks!" Hey, if there can be crunchy rocks there must be chewy rocks too, right?
As Blair headed out the door for work, Paul cheerfully told him, "Have care of your day, daddy!"
To my horror, Paul has developed an obsessive love for the word "poop". He thinks it's hilarious to randomly exchange a word in his sentence for that word. I'm hoping the potty humor is getting out of his system early...
While watching me use the sewing machine he warned, "Be careful mommy, that needle could go really fast and then you would have no fingers anymore."
I overheard this little gem while Paul was playing with his trains:
" 'Help me crain!' shouted the train anxiously." As if he were narrating a story book.
"See you in a few whiles!"
"See you next later, guys!"
Paul also really likes using the word "usually", but he uses it like we would use the word "sometimes". Example: "Usually I tell you yes... and usually I tell you no."
I tell people that Paul is 150% boy. He's all about trains, planes, trucks and cars. If those vehicles are crashing and fighting, that's even better! He also would live outside if I
let him. I often find him digging up worms, handling centipedes (true story!), running, splashing in the mud,
and THROWING anything and everything! And, man, does he have a good arm! He would make a great pitcher some day! I should get it on video just so you can see what I'm talking about. Now if only I could get him to stop trying to practice in the house.
Photo courtesy of Gary Nilsen
As rough and tough as he likes to think he is, Paul's still a baby at heart and can be frightened into fits of girly screams without one even trying to startle him. He also has a very tender heart and is excellent at comforting anyone who is sad, just by giving a big hug and saying, "It's alright. Don't be sad. I'm sorry."
He sure makes life exciting and enjoyable! We love our Paul!
Amazing how big he is getting. Super cute.
He is a joy I look forward to each week. When is Paul coming over?
ReplyDeleteSilly boy. I want to squeeze him!