Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tillamook and Hike

There are so many things I love about Blair and Paul. One of them being they both love to hike as much as I do.

On a whim, we decided to drive to Tillamook and spend our Saturday hiking Cape Lookout (and rewarding ourselves with yummy dairy). If you haven't done that hike before, it's a beautiful 5 miler that takes you out to the tip of the cliff-filled peninsula. Would you believe that our three-year-old Paul practically did the whole thing on his own two legs... happily? There were only a couple brief stretches that Blair had him on his shoulders. This kid is a natural-born hiker! Not only did he walk more than 4 miles of it himself, he was RUNNING up the hills at the end of it! We started the hike at 1:40 and finished around 5pm. After hours of hiking he somehow had the energy to run uphill for the whole end of it! Here's proof in video:

I was fully expecting Paul to be tired and pleasant during our car-rides, and whining and complaining during the hike. But it was the complete opposite. He was whining and screaming in the car both ways, but was sooooo happy to be outdoors during our hike. Crazy kid.

It was a relief when he finally fell asleep on the way there.
These two would run ahead of me and hide until I came. Paul would just laugh and laugh!

Proof we made it!

We were all pretty tired and hungry after Cape Lookout, so we stopped at the Tillamook Cheese Factory for some well-deserved dinner and icecream.

Is is just me, or do our faces look photoshopped into the Tillamook car? We were there for real! I promise! haha


  1. Yeah! Blog updates!!! I told you I'd be checking. Love the hiking pics and it is so exciting that Paul is a great hiker. I also love the birthday post and I think it is just so fun that he has a cousin right in our ward! Those two are best buddies.

  2. This makes ME want to go hiking!
