Thursday, June 7, 2012

Family diet change

Things have been pretty monotonous around here lately. Blair goes to work. Paul crawls around and pulls everything off of, and out of, everything. There's always laundry, dishes, jogging, ballet, e-mail, facebook, groceries, dinners, etc. etc... etc.......


Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my life. We have it so good, it's hard to believe sometimes. But it's in those times of sameness that one realizes what changes aught to be made to improve one's self. We were lacking energy and motivation. Not to mention, I still haven't lost all the baby weight. We've always been fairly healthy with our food choices, but after hearing about some greatly admired friends' diet change, we felt inspired and decided act!

 That's right. We're ditching the dairy, shunning the sugars, warding off wheat, and hauling in the whole foods.

We're saying hello to things like radishes, peppers, kale, spelt bread, fish, seeds, nuts, fresh berries, spinach, almond milk, vegetables sauted in coconut oil, quinoa dinners, brown rice pasta, nut butters, toasted flax seeds, and steel cut oats.

We were talking about making these changes around the last week of May and officially started on June 1st. (We had to use up the rest of our yogurt, cheese, sugary snacks, milk and breads before saying goodbye for good.)

I'm actually really enjoying this lifestyle so far. I like getting most of my groceries from the produce section. I like checking the ingredients lists. I like making my own snacks and energy bars out of nuts and dates. It feels good to go grocery shopping with limits and purpose.

Okay, so it's only been a few days, and we haven't had the real tests, like actual time or eating out with friends. But even this early, we're noticing a difference in our energy levels, our appetites and cravings are noticeably decreasing, I haven't been getting any stomach upsets, and living this way is feeling surprisingly manageable.

Even Paul is feeling more energized and motivated. Here he is helping me with the laundry.


  1. I am so impressed! Good luck with this. I bet you will feel so much better. I hope you are able to loose the last pound of baby weight that you have, though you certainly don't look like you need to!

  2. Hurray for healthy eating! I've been slacking a little too much in that lately. You inspire me.

  3. I am doing the exact same thing. Been going on for 2 weeks now. I have noticed a difference in energy as well. It's hard to avoid sugar completely especially in sauces but for the most part I've been good. It all adds up! I'm proud of you :).
