Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Okay. I said I'd provide a "juicy" post about us. Well, it's not exactly exciting or anything, but it's kind of a big deal to us.

Blair quit his job.

Are you wondering if he has another job lined up? Haha! Nope. We're in full-swing job-search mode. Am I worried? Am I stressed? For some odd reason, no, I'm not.

Maybe that odd reason has something to do with the fact that I finally have my husband back, literally and... emotionally...(?) That job was sucking all the life out of Blair as if it were a dementor slowly eating his soul. That may sound overly dramatic, but if you think of one's soul as one's personality/happiness, I feel that dementor analogy isn't too far from the truth. The more I heard about what he was dealing with, the more I would say to Blair, "you need to get out of there!". Three years is long enough to feel like you're heading off to hell every morning. I honestly do not know how he lasted that long.

Blair is always calm and composed on the outside and he would not write about his experience as dramatically as I am, but I know that underneath that handsome, cool, head he was feeling like this:

(I'm not sure, but I think that picture is supposed to be a man expressing frustration at work. However, as I looked at it longer, I wondered if it might be showing the ecstatic joy of a man who just quit the job he hated. Either way, it works for this post.)

Since quitting, Blair is happy, plays with Paul, plans, creates, and talks (well, as much as a Blair ever did, which isn't much). It's the Blair I know and love!

As far as a new job: we have some promising possibilities. Regardless, I'm just glad he's out of the doom-and-gloom smog and finally has the energy and clarity of mind to look for something new. Meanwhile, I'll be teaching more dance classes at the studio to keep us from eating into our savings too much.

If you hear of anyone needing a super talented and good-looking engineer, let us know!


  1. Wow! That is juicy! I hope that he finds something new, that he likes, quickly. Dallin can check to see if there is anything at Intel, and turn in his resume if you want. I will have him look... is he a mechanical engineer? I think that is what I remember.

  2. Ahhh! That's scary, but good for you Blair! Deric did that once when we were first married. He came home in the middle of the day and told me he quit his job. For me at the time, it was the most exciting/scary thing ever! Good for you guys, you can do it! Oh, and Paul's hair looks awesome! Giving those wiggly boys hair cuts is hard!
