Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Six Months!

Wow. Six months really is a magical age for baby development. Everyone kept telling me, "just wait until he's six months old". I would wonder, "what drastic changes could possibly take place at six months that will make me like my baby more than I do now?"

They were right. It's so true.

On January 1st (his six month birthday), Paul woke up with two brand new teeth. He suddenly started making the sounds of "dada", "baba" and "yaya". He actually enjoys eating some solid foods. He likes playing peek'a-boo and even made up his own game (putting something in his mouth then putting it in mine, back and forth, while giggling up a storm). He prefers his thumb to any pacifier. According to my mom, he rolled over from his back to his tummy, although, I have yet to see this for myself...

This is how he has to dress these cold days for our morning jogs now. Daddy's wool socks do a great job keeping his legs and feet warm.

This picture was taking in the mother's lounge at church. He loves showing off his pearly-whites with his huge grins.

One nice thing about Paul is he's great at making the best of his situation. For example, he doesn't seem to mind me putting things on his head. He played with this toy on his head for a good fifteen minutes, before I took if off.


  1. I showed your cutie to my husband and Deric thinks he is super cute too! He makes me ache for another baby, or my baby to be small again. =)
